LBCA is directed by Mr Roger P. Bele-Binda, microbiologist who centres his management on professionalism and the culture of excellence.
LBCA was created in 2001 and does not belong to any industrial group, thus absolutely guaranteeing its complete impartiality.
Through our actions and our interventions we verify in a manner that is completely independent and impartial, the quantity and the quality of the marketed products in order to make safe the commercial transactions for the benefit of our customers.
LBCA (LABORATOIRE BIO-CONNEX ANALYTIQUE) is a company that provides inspection services, independent control, sampling and laboratory testing..
At LBCA, we give a detailed attention to all our customers and visitors in offering them a courteous and personalized reception. We also have the possibility of analyzing products which do not form part of our usual services.
Any request in this direction is the subject of meticulous examination and tailored management, specific to each case for the benefit of our customers.
06 Bp 2681 Abidjan 06 - Côte d'Ivoire
Phone : (225) 21 36 08 30 Fax :(225) 21 36 08 31 E-mail : |